Player Registration

Lee's Summit 2025 Summer 4v4 League - Player Registration


Required  Price: $189.00
Description: Lee's Summit 2025 Summer 4v4 League - Player Registration
 = Required Field

 Player Information

  Select Month/Day/Year
 School ('24-'25): 
 List names of players you would like to be grouped with: 
 How did you hear about us? Required
 Interested in our 2-5 year old Happy Feet program? Required
 Are you interested in coaching your childs team? Required
 Practice night preferences? Required
 Can you practice on Fridays? Required
 Can you practice at 4:00? Required


As parent/legal guardian of the child named herein, I hereby represent that the child has been examined by a pediatrician and is physically fit to participate in KC Legends programs. I understand there are inherent risks in participating in this athletic program. I hereby accept responsibility for and agree to pay any and all costs of medical treatment resulting from any injury suffered by my child as a result of his/her participation in this registered program. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless HappyFeet-Legends International, Inc., its agents, servants, employees and/or representatives from any and all liability, damage, cost or expense arising out of my child’s participation, of every kind and nature, in KC Legends events. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for care to be administered by a qualified HappyFeet-Legends International, Inc. staff member, EMT, physician/staff of a hospital, or any other qualified individual to provide any medical treatment deemed necessary for my child.



 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in
GUARDIAN #2 (optional)

 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in

 Refund Policy

 Contact Info