Nebraska Leagues Rec Play

Nebraska Leagues Rec Soccer Spring 2025


Required  Price: 
 = Required Field

 Team Information

 Primary Team Colors 

 Secondary Team Colors 



Conflict Dates &/or Comments
 If you coach multiple teams fill out the section below for each team:


I understand that in addition to the league fees, each player must register be registered with a member of U.S. Soccer Federation. Any teams who are not registered with an Organizational Member, must contact event director to arrange this.

Once the event begins, there are no refunds of the player registration fee.

Team registration does not automatically qualify you for admission into the Rec Soccer Festivals. You will be notified by email at least one week prior to the festival date on your acceptance. If not accepted, any and all fees collected will be refunded in full.

 Approval Signature   


Note: If you have previously registered a team with HTGSports and would like to have access to the same players you had on your roster previously you must use the same email address for the team manager that you have used before.
 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in
 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in

 Refund Policy

Thank you for registering for the Nebraska Leagues Rec Spring Season. After the registration deadline, no refunds will be given.

 Contact Info