TC Sala Development Center

TC Sala Development Center UNW 2024-2025


Required  Price: 
 = Required Field

 Player Information

Open the calendar popup.
  AGE GROUP ('24-'25) 
 Grade ('24-'25): 

 Note: Photo should be in portrait format and of type JPEG with a file extension of .jpg.
It will be scaled to 240 wide x 360 high (pixels).

Click here for more information.


I understand that in addition to the league fees, each player must register with United States Youth Futsal (USYF).  The $13.50 per player fee and player releases are completed and paid online by the player/parent/guardian (P/P/G).  Players will not be eligible to participate unless payment is received and released authorized.  Outdoor player registrations issued from US Club, AYSO, USYSA, State Associations. etc. are not valid for registration with USYF.

Once the event begins, there are no refunds of the USYF Player Registration fee.

Player registration forms will be automatically sent to the P/P/G when the manager enters players into the rosters.


I, the parent/guardian of the above named Registrant, in consideration of accepting the Registrant for their Futsal programs and activities (collectively the “Programs”) and recognizing the risk of potentially significant physical injury occurring by participation in the Programs, including permanent disability or death, for myself and Registrant, do knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and assume full responsibility for the Registrants participation in the Programs. Further, I, for myself and Registrant, and on behalf of our respective heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, do hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless United States Youth Futsal , its affiliated organizations and sponsors, and each of their employees, volunteers, agents, other participants, hosts, sponsors, advertisers, and the owners of the premises upon which the Programs are held (collectively, the "Releases"), with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property incident to Registrants participation in the Programs, and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation I hereby authorize, and whether arising from the negligence of the Releases or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law. I hereby warrant and represent that the Registrant has received a physical examination by a physician and has been found physically capable of participating in the Programs with no reservations or restrictions. I, for myself and Registrant, do hereby consent to have a doctor of medicine or dentistry, a licensed nurse or emergency technician provide Registrant with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY

Acknowledgment of COVID-19 Risks.  Participant and Parent understand that (a) the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and any resulting disease (together with any mutation, adaptation or variation thereof, “COVID-19”) is extremely contagious and there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any place where people are present; (b) no precautions, including the protocols that will be implemented by USYF, any affiliate of USYF, and/or third parties (such as by federal and state governmental agencies) (collectively, the “COVID-19 Protocols”), can eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19; (c) people of all ages and health conditions, including healthy young people, have been adversely affected by COVID-19; (d) certain people have been identified by public health authorities as having greater risk based on their age or underlying medical conditions; and (e) exposure to COVID-19 can result in being subject to quarantine requirements, illness, disability, and other short-term and long-term health effects, including death, regardless of a person’s age or health condition.  Participant and Parent also acknowledge that the COVID-19 Protocols may prove inadequate to prevent the exposure and transmission of COVID-19 and that it is possible that from time to time persons present at a USYF or USYF affiliate activity, or at any locations in which USYF may have training or competitions, may not comply fully with the COVID-19 Protocols.  Participant and Parent understand that the implementation of the COVID-19 Protocols does not guarantee that Participant will not be exposed to or contract COVID-19 as a result of his/her attendance at a USYF activity or pass COVID-19 on to others, including Parent and other family members of Parent or Participant.  Participant and Parent understand and knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks related to traveling to and from, practicing and playing games at a USYF event and at other sites to which the Participant’s team may travel.  Those risks may include an increased risk of exposure to illness (including, but not limited to, COVID-19), personal injury, disability, and other short-term or long-term health effects including death, which might result not only from Participant’s own actions, inactions or negligence, but from the actions, inactions or negligence of any of the Released Parties (as defined below).  The Participant and the Parent accept that they have personal responsibility for any and all costs and expenses, damages, liability, and other losses that Participant, Parent or any Related Persons may incur in connection with the risks described above.


Release, Waiver and Covenant Not To Sue.  For purposes of this Agreement, (i) the term “Released Parties” shall mean USYF and any USYF affiliate and each of their officers, directors, managers, members, employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, representatives, successors, assigns, licensees and affiliates, and (ii) the term “Claims” shall mean any and all liability, lawsuits, causes of action and claims for damages, costs or expenses, whether past, present or future, and whether known or unknown. 

Parent and Participant, on their own behalf, and on behalf of their Related Persons, hereby knowingly, voluntarily and irrevocably and forever release, waive and discharge (and covenant not to sue), each and all of the Released Parties from (or with respect to), all Claims, including, but not limited to, Claims arising out of or in connection with my death, personal injury, illness, disability, suffering of short-term or long-term health effects, or loss of or damage to property, which Parent, Participant and any Related Persons may have or hereafter accrue against any of the Released Parties as a result of or that relate in any way to (i) Participant’s exposure to COVID-19; (ii) Participant’s participation in activities at or related to USYF and any USYF affiliates; (iii) Participant’s travel to or presence at a USYF or USYF affiliate event, or at any location to which he/she may travel in connection with USYF activities; or (iv) any of the risks identified above in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Agreement.  Parent and Participant understand that this release, waiver and covenant not to sue includes any Claims based on the negligence, action or inaction of any of the Released Parties and covers Claims of any sort, whether suffered before, during or after Participant’s participation in any USYF or USYF affiliate event.



 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in
 I would like to volunteer 
GUARDIAN #2 (optional)

 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in
 I would like to volunteer 

 Refund Policy

Thank you for registering for the TC Sala Development Center. You may cancel your registration before the registration deadline and receive a refund of your fees minus a $25 administrative fee

 Contact Info