Individual Player Registration

Installment Program COMPETITIVE YEAR-ROUND FUTSAL PROGRAM 2024/2025 for 2016-2015 players


Required  Price: $400.00
Description: COMPETITIVE Year-Round Futsal Program 2024/2025 Initial payment: $400, followed by five payments of $190 via Square due on the 1st of every month starting on July 2024
 = Required Field


  Select Month/Day/Year
 Emergency Contact 
 Emergency # 
Participant allergies: N/A (if none) 


I attest that the below Participant is in the proper physical condition and has no disability, impairment, or ailment that prevents him from engaging in exercise or sports activities. I have been advised to consult a physician regarding Participants' engagement in Spartans Futsal Club LLC activities. I understand there is a risk of injury or death by participation in Spartans Futsal Club LLC activities, and I assume and acknowledge the such risk. The Participant has my permission to participate in training and competition, events, activities, and travel sponsored by the Spartans Futsal Club LLC. I approve of the leaders in charge of this program and understand they will serve to their ability. I understand and agree this document may be kept in possession of authorized adult team personnel, and reasonable care will be used to keep this information confidential. I agree to allow authorized adult team personnel to release this information in the event of a medical emergency. To the best of my knowledge, I also certify that the Participant is physically fit to engage in the activities described above. If the Participant becomes ill or sustains an injury during activities, I hereby authorize Spartans Futsal Club LLC personnel to act on my behalf to obtain care for said Participant, and I accept all financial responsibility for such care. I voluntarily release and forever discharge and covenant not to sue the Spartans Futsal Club LLC or related personnel from all liability claims, demands, actions, or right to act which are related to arising out of or are in any way connected with the Participant's participation in Spartans Futsal Club LLC activities. Further, I agree, promise, and covenant to hold harmless and indemnify the Spartans Futsal Club LLC and related personnel from all defense costs, including attorney's fees, or from any other expenses incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury or property damage which the Participant may cause to spectators or third parties in the course of the Participant's participation in Spartans Futsal Club LLC activities. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this waiver and release and fully understand that it is a release of liability. By signature below, I am waiving any right that I may have to bring legal action to assert a claim against Spartans Futsal Club LLC and its personnel. I, at this moment, grant full permission to Spartans Futsal Club LLC of any and all of the foregoing to use participants in any broadcast, telecast, video, or print media reporting or advertising without compensation. I grant permission for my child to participate in Spartans Futsal Club LLC. As a parent and legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal action the below-named minor (Participant) took.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented athletics worldwide with many challenges concerning this highly contagious illness. Some severe outcomes have been reported in children, and a child with a mild or even an asymptomatic case of COVID-19 can spread the infection to others who may be far more vulnerable. While it is not possible to eliminate all risks of furthering the spread of COVID-19, Spartans Futsal Club LLC will take necessary precautions and comply with guidelines from the federal, state, and local governments, CDC, OSHA, as well as the NFHS, to reduce the risks to players, coaches, and support staff as knowledge regarding COVID-19 is continually changing, our futsal program reserves the right to adjust and implement precautionary methods as necessary to decrease the risk of exposure for our staff, players, and spectators. Some preventive methods in the futsal program return-to-play plan include but may not be limited to Health screenings before any practice, event, or team meeting, with participation in the activities being limited and/or prohibited where an individual displays positive responses or symptoms. Encourage social distancing and promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing, hand sanitizer, etc. •Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation in all facilities. Educate athletes, coaches, and staff on health and safety protocols. Require all athletes and coaches to provide their water bottles for hydration. The undersigned voluntarily agree to the following waiver and release of liability by signing this form. The undersigned agrees to release and discharge all claims for ourselves, our heirs, and as a parent or legal guardian for the athletes named below against Spartans Futsal Club LLC, its Directors, successors, assigns, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, and will hold them harmless from all liability or demands for personal injury, psychological injury, sickness, death, or claims resulting from personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the athletes or the undersigned relating to or as a result of the athlete participation in athletic programs, events, and activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The undersigned acknowledges that participating in athletic programs, events, and activities may include possible exposure to an infectious disease, including but not limited to COVID-19. The undersigned further acknowledge that they know the risks associated with COVID-19. Those specific vulnerable individuals may have more significant health risks associated with exposure to COVID-19, including individuals with severe underlying health conditions whose immune systems are compromised. While particular recommendations and personal discipline may reduce the risks associated with participating in athletics during the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of serious illness, medical complications, and possible death does exist. We(Guardian/parent) knowingly and freely assume all known and unknown risks, even if arising from others' negligence, and take full responsibility for athlete participation in athletics during the COVID-19 pandemic. We (Guardian/parent) willingly agree to comply with the stated recommendations by Spartans Futsal Club LLC to limit the exposure and spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. We   (Guardian/parent) certify that the Athlete is in good physical condition and allow participation in this sport at our own risk.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Before signing this code of conduct, please read and understand it thoroughly. Youth Futsal is primarily for the players, and we invite you to join us in watching your children participate in the most electrifying sport in the world. However, it's important to note that your behavior as spectators should not distract the players and officials from the free flow of play, which is the sport's trademark.

At Spartans Futsal Club LLC, we take pride in having respectful and engaged families, and we request that parents and guardians continue to adhere to these guidelines. Therefore, we do not allow sideline coaching or criticizing the performance of the referees.

As a parent or guardian, you should foster an environment of respect for everyone involved in the game, including referees, players, coaches, and spectators of the opposing team. You should also applaud superior play, effort, and sportsmanship by players on both teams, and support your coaches and managers consistently, regardless of the results on the field. If you have any concerns, please communicate them to the coach at the appropriate time, away from the playing location and players.

We also request that you always remain at least two yards from the playing field so our young players have room to play and enjoy the game.

It is important to note that any breach of this code of conduct can result in your child's suspension or removal from the Spartans Futsal Club. Therefore, we urge you to avoid using foul language or obscene gestures at a game or practice site, and to avoid comments and gestures that express disagreement with referee decisions. You must also cooperate with any request by the game officials and never consume alcoholic beverages on the field location at practices or games.

Please understand that any parent or spectator who fails to adhere to these standards will be required to leave the playing area, and play will be suspended until he or she does so. Spartans Futsal Club reserves the right to suspend or terminate a player's enrollment for their parent's persistent or extreme sideline misbehavior, and there will be no refunds of player fees in such cases.

Finally, we remind you that you are responsible for your guests' behavior, and you must inform them of the applicable rules of conduct.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand this code of conduct. We appreciate your cooperation in making Spartans Futsal more enjoyable for everyone involved.


Spartans Futsal Club LLC

I hereby grant my consent for the club mentioned above to register me with USYF and US Futsal. I am aware that I am only permitted to be registered with one Futsal Club during the 2023/2024 season, which takes place from April 28th, 2023, to March 15th, 2024, and that it is not allowed to register with any other club for the same season. Moreover, I understand that if I choose to leave the club, there will be no reimbursement, and if I am on a payment plan, I am required to fulfill that obligation.

**Late Fee Disclaimer: $30 After One Month Overdue**

Dear valued customer,

We want to inform you of our late fee policy regarding payments. Our terms require that all invoices are paid by the due date specified in your agreement or invoice.

In the event that a payment becomes overdue by one month or more, a late fee of $30 will be applied to the outstanding balance. This fee is intended to cover administrative costs associated with managing late payments and is in line with our commitment to ensuring fair and consistent billing practices.

Please note that our aim is not to penalize, but rather to encourage timely payments and maintain a sustainable and efficient billing process. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes lead to delays in payments, and we are willing to work with our customers to find suitable solutions.

If you encounter any difficulties with your payment or believe that an exception should be made due to exceptional circumstances, we encourage you to contact our billing department promptly at We are here to assist you and explore options to resolve any payment challenges.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our payment terms. Your continued business relationship is important to us, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible service.


Spartans Futsal Club LLC

Gervin Pineda 

 Approval Signature   



 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in
GUARDIAN #2 (optional)

 1 of the 3 phone numbers below must be filled in

 Refund Policy

**Refund Policy**

**1. Cancellation by Parent or Guardian (More than Seven Days Before Program Start):**
   - If the registration is canceled by the parent or guardian more than seven days before the start of the program, a 50% refund of the balance will be provided.

**2. Cancellation by Parent or Guardian (Seven Days or Less Before Program Start):**
   - If the registration is canceled by the parent or guardian seven days or less before the start of the program, no refund of the balance will be given.

**3. Cancellation by Spartans Futsal Club:**
   - In the event that Spartans Futsal Club cancels the program, a 100% refund of the balance will be issued.

We understand that circumstances may change, and we aim to provide a fair and transparent refund policy to accommodate such situations. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance regarding refunds.

*Spartans Futsal Club*

 Contact Info